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A bubble blowing baby born into a clan of fire breathing dragons, Fergus' future is uncertain. What use does the world have for a dragon with no fire? Read on to find out what becomes of Fergus.

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Alysathena's Favorites

The Art of Elizabeth Eichelberger

Limited Edition

Sold Out

Hawai'i In The Sand

Written By Barbara Poor

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger


Holiday Story

Written By Barbara Poor

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger



You Are So Special

Written By Barbara Poor

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger


the fairy tree cover

The Fairy Tree

Retired, no longer available.

Written By Wendy Schmidt

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger

Ooooooh, it's Halloween!

Written By Barbara Poor

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger


I Want To Go To School

I Want To Go To School

Retired, no longer available.

Written By Madeleine McLaughlin

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger



My Trip To The Library

Written By Barbara Poor

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger




Retired, no longer available.

Written By Madeleine McLaughlin

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger


The Girl With The Curly Red Hair

Written By Barbara Poor

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger



Stealing Belly Buttons

Retired, no longer available.

Written By Ollin Funn

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger



The City of Ho Hum

Written By Penny Estelle

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger


TommyTheRobotB oy


Tommy The Robot Boy

Retired, no longer available.

Written By Ollin Funn

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger


The Red Eyed Mr. Glumb

Written By Penny Estelle

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger


journey joy


Journey Joy

Tale of a Service Dog

and Her School Friends

Retired, no longer available.

Written By Jackie Lanoue

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger

Sneaky Squirrel

And The Missing Pocket Watch

Written By Andrew Herbert

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger


Colin The Conker

Written By Andrew Herbert

Illustrated by Elizabeth Eichelberger


The Fairies who made a Rainbow

Written By Joanne Bradley

Illustrated By Elizabeth Eichelberger

All images and text sole copyright of Elizabeth Eichelberger unless otherwise indicated.